Sunday, October 4, 2009

Translucite Post three

The Bible gives us quite a bit of insight into how to survive this final period in earth’s history. One thing it is completely silent on is the exact nature of the crisis that will start off the end of time. Theologian and author Marvin Moore discusses his theory that a comet will strike the earth in “The Coming Great Calamity”. On page 44 he clearly says in big, bold letters, “I MAY BE WRONG”. Personally, I believe we will likely see nuclear terrorism if current trends set in motion by the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedies continue. However I too admit this is only a theory.

Why do I feel this way? That question answers itself when you consider the meaning of the bomb. Two hundred million electron volts for fission verses five electron volts for regular chemical reactions makes this power for destruction so complete and so unstoppable, it is essentially a human version of what the Bible calls the “second death” or hellfire. We in our desire to cast God aside have substituted ourselves for Him and we honestly believe we can hold this power of final death in our own hands. Would it not make sense for the Lord, who is the Only One with the benevolence and wisdom to truly hold this power, to teach us a lesson we’ll never forget? Isaiah 66:16 says “For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.” The word “fire” could easily be taken to mean natural disasters of various kinds while the “sword” is obviously warfare and conflict on a scale never before seen. This is from the King James Version. Newer Bibles use the word “judge” where “plead” is here. However, “plead” says something about the character of God doesn’t it? Can you just imagine him up in Heaven saying “don’t you see you really do need Me?” Whatever happens, the great crisis at the end of time will be a big enough event to fulfill Jesus words in Luke 21:26 “men’s hearts failing them from fear”.

One thing is for sure. Even though so far we may think we have the ability to save ourselves, for as long as any form of human selfishness exists on this planet, we will always be at risk. The one story I’ve heard the most over the years to illustrate the popular idea that science has triumphed over the church, and therefore over God Himself, is the story of Galileo and how the Catholic Church persecuted him. We will look at that and spend some more time on just what our day really means in the next chapter:

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